Stay Motivated and Get More Done  


If you can motivate yourself you can get any task done. You know whenever we start something new it's easy to get motivated because we have enthusiasm for the new project or task. Once this becomes routine though it becomes more difficult to get and stay motivated.
For me sometimes it is hard to get motivated or inspired to write because I have a short attention span. I try to only work on my Blog(s) for about 35 minutes or so.
With that in mind here are some tips that have worked for me:

1.Take short breaks every half an hour or so; walk away from what you're doing.
2. Alternate between two tasks. If you keep at a single task for too long, you're almost sure to get bored.
3. Sometimes listening to soft music in the background helps me to stay focused.
4. Create a list of the most important tasks you need to do the next day. Prioritize the list. And keep working in the order of your priorities. Being able to check off the most important items for each day is in itself a terrific motivator.
5.. If you start to feel stressed or distracted, just lean back in your chair and close your eyes for a minute or two.
6. Implement a reward system for yourself. Decide in advance what you'll reward yourself with when you complete certain tasks. Chocolate works for me.

I think that most importantly you need to have a routine and just work at your own pace. If you start to feel bored, you can always come back and read this Blog!

What are some things you do to get and stay motivated?

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4 comments: to “ Stay Motivated and Get More Done

  • 6/2/08  

    I am way too unorganized to ever make a list.

    LOL...I would simply lose it!!

    I alternate between listening to music and also complete silence.

    Many times I simply take a peek outside at the lovely birds and just enjoy nature.

  • 6/2/08  

    Hey Jackie - so am I that's why I need a list...LOL! I have lost it too, more times then I care to talk about...
    Thanks for visiting and commenting here, I appreciate your support :)

  • 9/2/08  

    Hi, I see that you have listed your blog in the Big Bang list, but I can't find it on your site here, can you update please, as I was a latecomer.

  • 9/2/08  

    Hi John,
    Yes this Blog is listed in the Meme but I have the actual Meme here:
    I have updated the list and believe you are on it there :) Thanks for reminding me :p