John Chow is Giving Away 10,000 Entrecard Credits  


These credits sure will come in handy now since Entrecard introduced a new demand based pricing model. Blogs that are in high demand has seen their prices skyrocket.

Entering the contest is extremely simple. Just send a trackback by making a blog post about this contest on your blog. If the trackback doesn’t work, then leave the URL to your blog post in the comments on John's Site.
At the end of this month, he will draw a name from all the entries received and transfer 10,000 Entrecard credits into that person’s account.

Check it out HERE

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1 comments: to “ John Chow is Giving Away 10,000 Entrecard Credits

  • 3/5/08  

    Oh Carol,
    I was shocked to see how much it cost to place an add on my site.

    I had no clue. I figurd since I was knew to the system it would be free.

    If I had only known...but, how many times has that remark been made?

    Please find me under Spiritual and drop on me from this site so that I can drop on you. Or let me know where to find this listing!!

    If that's possible without costing you.

    Hope you are having a great week-end.

    If you get a chance...drop by and see my Saturday's just too cute!!